Registration Form
Our hearing assessment are very comprehensive to look at your ability to hear: different sounds, discriminate speech and how well you hear in noise, looking how well your middle ear is working.
Testing Your Hearing
Thank you for choosing ASC for your audiology care. This registration form is a contract between you and Audiological Specialist Care. Your patient information will be held on an electronic database, on a secure computed and within your personal patient file. Audiological Specialist Care is registered with the Information Commissioners Office for Data Protection.
Please update us with any changes to your personal data as we would like to keep your information up to date and accurate. You also have the right to request deletion of your data at any time. Your data will be held as long as is clinically relevant, which would typically be a period of 30 years, but may be longer.
You have the right to access the data we hold on you. In order to do this, please make a written application to your clinician or to the Practice Manager, The Medical Management Practice, Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital, 30 New Road, Impington, Cambridge, CB24 9EL. You may be asked to provide verification of your indemnity.
Protecting your personal data is a top priority to us. Please see our privacy statement for more details.